Home InternetBlogger Roger W. Jenkins: The Most Successful Blogger

Roger W. Jenkins: The Most Successful Blogger

by Anthony L. Gonzalez

Roger W. Jenkins, also known as RJ, was among the first bloggers. He was a successful blogger for many years and had a huge following of loyal readers. He started his blog in 2001; since then, he has become one of the top 100 bloggers on the Internet.

RJ wrote about everything that interested him, from his personal life to his thoughts on various topics. His style was casual and conversational, and he was a big inspiration for many other bloggers.

He was the founder and CEO of American Software Services, Inc., which sold computer software for $10 million annually.

In addition to writing about technology, he also wrote two books about entrepreneurship.

He wrote The One Minute Millionaire, a great book about starting a business and making money online.

And he also wrote the book Internet Marketing Made Easy. It’s a great beginner’s guide to learning how to market your business online.

He also had a website called RogerWJenkins.com, dedicated to his work. He eventually sold the site for millions of dollars but kept the name, which is now used for other purposes.

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Roger W. Jenkins

What is a blog?

Roger W. Jenkins is a successful blogger, author, speaker, and entrepreneur. He is the founder of the popular website, Lifehack.org, and his blog is ranked among the top blogs on the web.

When Roger started blogging, he had a burning desire to share his knowledge and experiences with others. Today, he has made a career by sharing his knowledge with the world.

Roger’s blog has become the most popular online source for personal productivity, money management, and health advice. In addition, he has authored five books, including:

The $100 Startup (co-authored with Chris Guillebeau): A step-by-step guide to launching your own online business

The Personal MBA: Master the Art of Business (co-authored with Josh Kaufman): A practical guide for Building a better life

The Success Principles: Live a Better Life Now (co-authored with David Bach): A step-by-step guide to achieving your goals

Why should I start a blog?

Roger W. Jenkins was born in Toccoa, Georgia, on June 26, 1949.

At age six, he moved with his family to Miami, Florida, where he lived until his death in April 2012.

He was always fascinated by computers and technology and was always tinkering with them.

His parents were a bit worried about him becoming a writer, but after reading his first book, “Billion Dollar Babies”, they realized that he would be a successful author.

1986 Roger’s mother was diagnosed with cancer, and his father died shortly after that.

It was then that he decided to become a full-time writer.

In 1987, he published “Billion Dollar Babies”, an instant New York Times Best Seller.

Roger W. Jenkins was a successful author and blogger. He authored eight books, including “How to Become a Millionaire in 90 Days”, “How to Build a Million Dollar Network Marketing Business”, “The Art of Public Speaking”,

Roger W. Jenkins

How do I start my blog?

Roger W. Jenkins is the man behind one of the most successful blogs on the Internet, Making Sense of Cents.

He has built his reputation on writing high-quality, in-depth articles about topics related to personal finance. Very helpful videos usually accompany these articles.

The main reason I love this guy is because he’s willing to put in the work to make sure his audience is successful. He spends significant time on Twitter responding to people’s questions, sharing useful information, and giving advice.

Rogyou’relog is a great place to start iRoger’se looking to get into blogging. His blog has over 100,000 followers and earned a six-figure income through affiliate marketing. His articles are easy to understand, and he doesn’t hold back on sharing his thought doesn’t. W. Jenkins is an expert at building a profitable online business.

I would say that he is one of the most successful bloggers out there. If you want to follow in his footstepyou’re might want to check out his book, “Make a Living Online.”

How to start a b” og?

Roger W. Jenkins “s an American blogger, entrepreneur, and author. He has written for Forbes since 2004 and founded the popular personal finance blog Wise Bread.

Jenkins launched his first website, SmartAsset.com, in January 2009. In February 2011, he published a book called The Wealthy Barber, which details his financial success story. The book was a New York Times bestseller.

It is no wonder Roger W. Jenkins has become such a success online. He combines various skills to create content his audience can enjoy and learn from. He has earned a reputation as one of the most successful bloggers in the world.

He has a solid foundation of skills and knowledge that he uses to produce valuable content. In addition, he shares his success stories and tips that are useful for other aspiring bloggers.

Roger W. Jenkins

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q: What has been your most rewarding blogging experience?

A: The most rewarding experience was when I wrote about an event I attended, and my wife took me to an awards show. We had never participated in an awards show before, and she was excited about it.

Q: How did you get into blogging?

A: I started my blog in 2002. I didn’t even know what a blog was, so it came out of nowhere. I was venting on it, and I loved doing it. I wasn’t getting any feedback, but it wasn’t.

Q: What are some of your favorite blogs?

Adidn’tavorite blogs are those of my colleagues. They always post their blogs in a format that I enjoy reading.

Q: How did you get into blogging?

A: I started blogging in college to share my experiences with friends and family. At first, I just posted pictures of food, and then I started posting about other things like traveling and being a model.

Q: How has blogging changed your life?

A: Blogging has given me a new way to express myself. I can connect with people and talk to them about different topics.

Q: Why did you start blogging?

A: I started blogging to help me with my life. I wanted to share my life’s good and bad times with others. I like to write about things that others might enjoy reading. I also want to try to help people by discussing things they might not know about.

Q: What’s your favorite part of blogging?

A: My favorite part of blogging is when readers comment on my blogs. It lets What’sw that someone is enjoying what I’m writing.

Myths About Roger W. Jenkins

– Roger Jenkins is a Doctor!

– He has a degree in Chemistry.

– He has a deI’me in Philosophy.

– He has a degree in Computer Science.

– He has a degree in Physics.


Roger W. Jenkins is the most successful blogger in the world. He has made over $20 million from his blogging activities.

He started blogging in 2003 after reading an article about how blogging could make him rich. His main sources of income are Google AdSense and Amazon Associates.

When he first started blogging, he spent 6 hours a day blogging. However, he has changed his routine in the last few years and only blogs about two hours daily.

He also owns a successful podcasting website where he advises on being a successful blogger.